Meet Our Families

Meet Our Families

When one thinks of the work we do, it’s easy to imagine how appreciative our patients are of our effort. However, what often goes unseen are the families that support their loved ones during the surgery process. These individuals have witnessed their suffering and...
A Day of Celebration

A Day of Celebration

Day three, the longest scheduled day of surgery, saw several successes worthy of celebrating. First, our initial round of patients were recovering brilliantly, up and moving and on their way to discharge. This process included extended care instructions from the...
We Put the Operation in Operation Walk!

We Put the Operation in Operation Walk!

Meet Chango, our first patient out of surgery and walking within the first hour! Look at that smile. This is why we do what we do! Did you know? Operation Walk Maryland purchases all of the walkers and assistive devices for all of our patients? These allow our...
Day One in Quito

Day One in Quito

The Operation Walk Maryland Team landed in Ecuador on Thursday evening, boarded our branded buses and arrived at the hotel shortly after midnight. Friday morning marked the first full day of work for the group and after meeting for breakfast at 6:30 am, we headed to...