The Operation Walk Maryland Team landed in Ecuador on Thursday evening, boarded our branded buses and arrived at the hotel shortly after midnight. Friday morning marked the first full day of work for the group and after meeting for breakfast at 6:30 am, we headed to Padre Carollo Hospital, arriving promptly at 8:00 am for a group photo in the hospital’s beautiful solarium.
The team then headed upstairs to begin assessing the patients and found a hero’s welcome waiting for us. Patients along with countless family members showed their support, appreciation, and love for our team, setting the tone for an amazing first day. This video hardly does it justice, but this applause is extended and meant for every person that has supported our cause and this trip, including all of our amazing friends and family back home.
Patient assessments quickly got underway as more than 70 families were eager to be seen. As the morning unfolded, our team, hospital staff, and even family members worked together harmoniously to ensure every patient was able to be evaluated.
Below, several Operation Walk Maryland team members work closely with the son-in-law of a patient (left photo, pictured center) who jumped in to help organize and translate for our team. He and his wife, the daughter of the patient, instantly became honorary Operation Walk Marylanders and assisted for three straight hours. To the right, our team conducts a patient assessment.

Following individual assessments, our team gathered for what is known as the “conference.” The entire medical team reviews every patient’s chart and selects 50 of the most pressing cases for surgery. While it is a painstaking task after having bonded with all the families, only 50 patients can be operated on in such a short amount of time.
After a full day at the hospital, we enjoyed a team dinner, with a subset of the group headed back to the hospital to finish unpacking the 12 crates of cargo. Surgeries begin on Day Two….

Rosa, a possible patient, looks forward to the opportunity to dance with her grandchildren again. She is joined by her daughter Diana and son-in-law Fabian, both of whom were instrumental in assisting today.